The great hall at Cobham has been converted into a music-room, of fifty feet by thirty-six, and thirty feet high; and is one of the most splendid and costly in the kingdom. The rest of the central building forms the library, or general living room; which, instead of looking into an entrance-court, as formerly, now looks into a flower-garden, enriched with marble statues and a fountain, forming an appropriate frame, or foreground, to the landscape of the park. The entrance has been removed to the north front, under an archway, or porte cochere, over which a walk from the level of the picture gallery (which is up stairs) crosses the road, in the manner described by the annexed sketch [fig. 160], representing the north front, as it has been restored to its original character. In this view is also the bastion, by which the terrace-walk terminates with a view into the park. But no drawing can describe the change made in the comfort of the place, since the improvements were first planned, and which, by the help of the map [fig. 161], may be rendered more intelligible.