The Garden Guide

Book: A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening, adapted to North America,1841
Chapter: Section IV. Deciduous Ornamental Trees

Soil conditions for planting elm trees

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There is scarcely any soil to which some of the different elms are not adapted. The European species prefer a deep, dry soil; the Scotch or Wych elm will thrive well even in very rocky places; and the White elm grows readily in all soils, but most luxuriantly in moist places. All the species attain their maximum size when planted in a deep loam, rather moist than dry. They bear transplanting remarkably well, suffering but little even from the mistaken practice of those persons who reduce them in transplanting to the condition of bare poles, as they shoot out a new crop of branches, and soon become beautiful young trees in spite of the mal-treatment. As the elm scarcely produces a tap root, even large trees may be removed, when the operation is skilfully performed. In such cases, the recently-removed tree should be carefully and plentifully supplied with water until it is well established in its new situation. The elm is also easily propagated by seed, layers, or, in some species, by suckers from the root.