1659. Dipterous insects, injurious to vegetables in their larva state, are numerous. To begin with those most pernicious in the garden, we may mention that radishes are devoured by the larva of a small fly (Musca radicum L.); and that cauliflowers are often attacked by another, which lays its eggs in that part of the stalk covered by the earth, and the maggots when hatched, either occasion the plant to wither and die, or to produce a worthless head. Onions are frequently much injured by the larvï¾µ of a small fly, which Mr. Kirby has named Scatophaga ceparum; and Reaumur gives the history of a fly (Eristalis narcissi) the grubs of which reside within the roots of the narcissus, and destroy them. Carrots are infested by Psila Rosï¾µ, the maggots of which burrow round the outside of the root. Celery is attacked by another species, and the leaves of the same plant by a second, Tephritis onopordinis.