The Garden Guide

Book: Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening, 1795
Chapter: Chapter 7: Concerning approaches, with some remarks on the affinity betwixt painting and gardening

Lancelot Brown's improvements

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By those who do not know the author's situation, such a curse may perhaps be attributed to the same spirit of discontent, which laments that, "Vain is the pomp of wealth, its splendid halls, And vaulted roofs, sustain'd by marble walls; " but it is evident to me, that the only source of disgust excited in this gentleman's mind, on viewing the scenes improved by Mr. Brown, proceeds from their not being fit objects for the representation of the pencil.-The painter turns with indignation from the trim-mown grass, and swept gravel-walk; but the gardener, who knows his duty, will remove such unsightly weeds as offend the view from a drawing-room window, although perfectly in harmony with the savage pride and dignity of the forest; "Where every shaggy shrub, and spreading tree, Proclaims the seat of native liberty."