The Garden Guide

Book: Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening, 1795
Chapter: Chapter 5: Concerning park scenery

Structures in park scenery

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The other defect of Wembly arises from a sameness of objects; and this is a defect common to all the countries where the grass land is more generally mowed than fed. It proves what no landscape painter ever doubted, that a scene consisting of vegetable productions only can seldom make a pleasing picture. The contrasted greens of wood and lawn are not sufficient to gratify the eye; it requires other objects, and those of different colours, such as rocks, water, and cattle; but where these natural objects cannot easily be had, the variety may be obtained by artificial means, such as a building, a tent, or a road; and, perhaps, there is no object more useful in such countries than a good coloured gravel road, gracefully winding, and, of course, describing those gentle swells of the ground, which are hardly perceptible from the uniform colour of grass land.