The Garden Guide

Book: Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening, 1795
Chapter: Chapter 1: Concerning different characters and situations

Hasells Hall Red Book

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HASELLS HALL. There has hardly been proposed to my consideration a spot in which both situation and character have undergone a greater change than at Hasells Hall. From the former mode of approaching the house, especially from the Cambridge side, a stranger could hardly suppose there was any unequal ground in the park: even to the south, where the ground naturally falls towards a deep valley, the mistaken interference of art, in former days, had bolstered it up by flat bowling greens, and formal terraces; while the declivity was so thickly planted as entirely to choke up the lowest ground, and shut out all idea of inequality. The first object of improvement is to point out those beautiful shapes in the ground which so copiously prevail in several parts of this park; the second, is to change its character of gloom and sombre dampness, to a more cheerful shade; and the third, is to mark the whole with that degree of importance and extent, which the size of the house, and the surrounding territory demand.