The Garden Guide

Book: Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening, 1795
Chapter: APPENDIX.

Lancelot Brown

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The author of the Essay has very unfairly attributed to Mr. Brown all the bad taste of the day-labourers who became his successors; but of his own good taste, there is surely one lasting monument in the first entrance of Blenheim park, the pride of this country, and the astonishment of foreigners. It was this part of the water that Mr. Brown viewed with exultation, and not the serpentine river below the cascade, which I believe he never saw finished. There is another misrepresentation concerning that self-taught genius: so far from his being insensible to the wild scenery of nature, he frequently passed whole days in studying the sequestered haunts of Needwood forest, as I have done those in the forest of Hainault; and, I trust, from these studies, we have both acquired not only picturesque ideas, but this useful lesson; that the landscape ought to be adapted to the beings which are to inhabit it-to men, and not to beasts. The landscape painter may consider men subordinate objects in his scenery, and place them merely as "figures, to adorn his picture." The landscape gardener does more:-he undertakes to study their comfort and convenience.