The Garden Guide

Book: Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1803
Chapter: Preface, Containing some observations on taste

Good taste

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Good sense may exist without good taste,* yet, from their intimate connexion, many persons are as much offended at having their taste, as their understanding, disputed; hence the most ignorant being generally the most obstinate, I have occasionally found that, as a little learning is a dangerous thing, a little taste is a troublesome one. *[The requisites of taste are well described by Dr. Beattie, under five distinct heads. "1. A lively and correct imagination; 2. the power of distinct apprehension; 3. the capacity of being easily, strongly, and agreeably affected with sublimity, beauty, harmony, correct imitation, &c.; 4. sympathy, or sensibility of heart; and, 5. judgment or good sense, which is the principal thing, and may not very improperly be said to comprehend all the rest."]