The Garden Guide

Book: Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1803
Chapter: Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening

John Adey Repton, architect

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The necessity of blending Architecture with Landscape Gardening, mentioned in my former Work, induced me to turn the studies of one of my sons to that auxiliary part of my profession; it is, therefore, to the assistance of Mr. John Adey Repton that I am indebted for many valuable ornaments to this Volume. His name has hitherto been little known as an architect, because it was suppressed in many works begun in that of another person, to whom I freely, unreservedly, and confidentially gave my advice and assistance, while my son aided, with his architectural knowledge and his pencil, to form plans and designs, from which we have derived neither fame nor profit; but amongst the melancholy evils to which human life is subject, the most excruciating to a man of sensibility, is the remembrance of disappointed hope from misplaced confidence.