The Garden Guide

Book: Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1803
Chapter: Chapter XIV. Application of Gardening and Architecture united, in the Formation of a new Place

Bayham Abbey, Grecian architecture

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There is, also, another circumstance belonging to Grecian architecture, viz., symmetry, or an exact correspondence of the sides with each other. Symmetry appears to constitute a part of that love of order so natural to man; the first idea of a child in drawing a house, is to make the windows correspond, and, perhaps, to add two correspondent wings. There are, however, some situations, where great magnificence and convenience are the result of a building of this description; yet it can only be the case where the house is so large, that one of the wings may contain a complete suite of private apartments, connected with the house by a gallery or library, while the other may consist of a conservatory, &c.