The Garden Guide

Book: Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1803
Chapter: Chapter XIII. Ancient Mansions

Magdalen College Oxford, Repton's Red Book 1

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The following remarks on the improvement of MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD, were accompanied with many drawings, on a scale too large for this work; but as the book is in the library of that college, I suppose such of my readers as are interested in these observations concerning Grecian and Gothic architecture, may have access to the original designs, if they wish farther to consider the subject; at the same time their inquiries will be facilitated by having previously perused the following extract from that manuscript. [John Buckler and his son were closely associated with Magdalen College all their lives. In 1796 a new set of drawings were prepared for a quadrangle where the north side of Cloisters would be replaced by a low Gothic screen. In 1801 the idea was taken up with John Nash and Humphrey Repton. Both intended a three-sided quadrangle open to the east. Nash's ideas were pure fantasy with little relevance to the actual site but Repton produced one of his famous Red Books and planned carefully. His design entailed flooding the Meadow. See]