The Garden Guide

Book: Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1803
Chapter: Chapter XI. Miscellaneous

Gold and gilding

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There is a circumstance with respect to gold and gilding, of which few are aware who have not studied the subject. The colour of gold, like its material, seems to remove all difficulties, and makes everything pleasing; this is evident on viewing a finely coloured picture on a crimson hanging, with or without a gold frame; two discordant colours may be rendered more harmonious by the intervention of gilding, it is never tawdry or glaring, the yellow light catches on a very small part of its surface, while the brown shadows melt into the adjoining colours, and form a quiet tint, never offensive: gold ornament may be applied to every colour, and every shade, and is equally brilliant, whether in contact with black or white.