The Garden Guide

Book: Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1803
Chapter: Chapter X. Of ancient and modern Gardening

Lord Kames on utility

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I will add the opinion of a very able commentator, who, mentioning "this self-evident proposition, that a rural scene in reality, and a rural scene on canvas, are not precisely one and the same thing," says, "that point in which they differ here, is not itself without a guiding principle: UTILITY sets up her claim, and declares that, however concurrent the genuine beauty of nature and picture may be, the garden scene is hers, and must be rendered conformable to the purposes of human life; if to these every consonant charm of painting be added, she is pleased; but by no means satisfied, if that which is convertible to use be given absolutely to wildness."-Elements of Criticism [by Lord Kames Henry Home]