The Garden Guide

Book: Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1803
Chapter: Chapter VI. Of Fences

Fencing a lawn from a park

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Two light gates, like the rail-fence to the plantation, are so hung to the posts A and B, that they will swing either to the posts D or c, and thus they will either close the spaces D B and A c, leaving open the walk, or they must be shut so as to close the spaces A D and B c, leaving open the road or drift-way; for this purpose the posts A and B, to which the gates are hung, should be round, and the hinge turn on a pivot at the top; the other two posts may be square, or with a rebate to receive the gate. In the course of this work, I may have frequent occasion to mention the necessity of providing a fence near the house, to separate the dressed lawn from the park, or feeding ground: various ingenious devices have been contrived to reconcile; with neatness and comfort, the practice introduced by Mr. Brown's followers, of setting a house in a grass-field.