The Garden Guide

Book: Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, 1803
Chapter: Chapter IV. Of Planting for immediate and for future Effect

Plantations in naked country

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During the first few years of large plantations in a naked country, the outline, however graceful, will appear hard and artificial; but when the trees begin to require thinning, a few single trees or groups may be brought forward. The precise period at which this may be advisable must depend on the nature of the soil: but so rich is the ground in which plantations were made at ASTON, about ten years since, that this management has already been adopted with effect. Although it will again be repeated in the chapter treating of fences, I must observe in this place, that, instead of protecting large plantations with hedges and ditches, I have generally recommended a temporary fence of posts and rails, or hurdles on the outside, and either advise a hedge of thorns to be planted at eight or ten yards distance from the outline, or rather that the whole plantation be so filled with thorns and spinous plants, that the cattle may not penetrate far when the temporary fences shall be removed, and thus may be formed that beautiful and irregular outline so much admired in the woods and thickets of a forest.