During the early period incidents connected with it are meagre. It is for the most part only in royal accounts that references to Marylebone Park are found, and they are merely a bare statement of facts. But that hunting-parties, with all the show and splendour attending them, took place frequently, is certain. Among the Loseley MSS. occur, in 1554, instructions to Sir Thomas Cawarden, as "Master of the Tents and Toiles," to superintend the making of "certaine banquiting houses of Bowes [=boughs] and other devices of pleasure," One of these was made in "Marybone Parke," and a minute description is given. It was 40 feet long, and "wrought by tymber, brick, and lyme, with their raunges and other necessary utensyles therto insident, and to the like accustomed." Also three "standinges" were made at the same time, "all of tymber garnished with boughes and flowers, every [one] of them conteynenge in length 10 foote and in bredth 8 foote, which houses and standings were so edified, repaired, garnished, decked, and fynyshed against the Marshall Saint Andrewes comynge thethere by speciale and straight comandement, as well of the late King as his counsell to Sir Thos. Cawarden, Knt. Mr. of the said Office of Revels; and Lawrence Bradshaw, Surveior of the King's works, exhibited for the same wt. earnest charge done, wrought and attended between the 27th of June and the 2 of August in the said year" [4th of Edward VI.]. Employed on the above works for 22 days at all hours, a space to eat and drink excepted, "Carpenters, bricklayers, 1d. the hour; labourers, 0.5d. p. hour; plasterers, 11d. a day; painters, 7d. and 6d. a day" "Charges for cutting boughs in the wood at Hyde Park for trimming the banquetting house, gathering rushes, flags, and ivy; painters, taylors for sewing roof, etc., basket makers working upon windows, total cost, �169, 7s. 8d." Only about half of this total was due to the work in Marylebone, as a similar pavilion, and three other "standings," were made in Hyde Park at the same time.