Very many things may succeed well that are not specially noted here, but the following list of fifty herbaceous plants have all been seen really growing, and coming up, year after year, in private gardens in London. Some are not so sturdy as others; for instance, neither alyssum nor phlox flourish as well as thrift or the members of the iris tribe, but all are hardy in London. Thomas Fairchild, who had a famous nursery garden at Hoxton, writing of City gardens in 1722, gives his experience of plants that succeed best, and many on his list are those that do well still. He specially notes some growing in the most shut-in parts of the City, which were flourishing: fraxinella in Aldermanbury, monkshood and lily of the valley near the Guildhall, bladder senna in Crutched Friars, and so on, mentioning many of those which still prove the most smoke-resisting. One large, coarse, but handsome plant deserves mention, as it grows so well it will seed itself, and that is the giant heracleum. It propagates itself in the garden of Lowther Lodge, Kensington Gore, and in much more confined spaces, even in the garden used by the London Hospital, near the Mile End Road.
LIST OF FIFTY HERBACEOUS PLANTS Alyssum. Auricula. Bachelors' buttons. Buglos. Campanula-several varieties. Candytuft. Carnations. Centaurea. Chrysanthemums. Columbines. Comfrey. Crane's bill. Creeping Jenny. Crown Imperial. Cyclamen. Day lilies. Dictamnus fraxinella (burning bush). Doronicum (leopard's bane). Erigeron (Fleabane). Funkias (Plantain lilies). Galega officinalis. Golden rod (solidago). Heuchcras. Hollyhocks. Iris-several varieties, especially those with rhizomes and non-bulbous roots. Japanese anemone. Larkspur. Lilies of the valley. Lilies- Canadense. Candidum. Davuricum. Lancifolium (speciosum). Martagon dalmaticum. Pyrenaicum. Tigrinum. London Pride (also many other Saxifrages). Lupin. Mallow. Michaelmas daisies. Monkshood. Montbretia. Pansies. Periwinkle. Phlox. Polygonum. Primroses (also Japanese primulas, cowslips, and polyanthus). Pyrethrum. Rock roses. Solomon's seal. Southernwood. Speedwell (Veronica amethystina and others). Spirï¾µa (S. aruncus, venusta, &c.). Sunflower (perennial, including Harpalium). Thrift. Tradescantia. Trollius.