5 miles Deptford, with the Royal Victualling Yard. The adjacent Foreign Cattle Market, opened in 1871 on the site of Henry VIII.'s famous dockyard, was closed in 1914 and taken over for war purposes by Government, which finally purchased it in 1926. At Sayes Court, now disappeared, the residence of John Evelyn (1620-1706), the diarist, Peter the Great was a somewhat destructive tenant whilst working in the dockyard (1698). Queen Elizabeth knighted Drake on board his ship the 'Golden Hind' at Deptford in 1581, and part of the action of Scott's 'Kenilworth' takes place here. Christopher Marlowe (1564-93), the dramatist, mysteriously killed at Deptford, is buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas and is commemorated by a tablet in the church (1919). In the south-east corner of the church is a fine carving of Ezekiel's vision in the Valley of Dry Bones.