The Garden Guide

Book: London and Its Environs, 1927
Chapter: 48 Hampstead and Highgate

The Spaniards

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From Jack Straw's Castle Spaniards Road extends for over + mile north-east, towards Highgate, with the Heath sloping down on either side. At the far end of the road, on the left, are Erskine House, once occupied by Lord Erskine, and the 18th century tavern called The Spaniards, a name of uncertain origin. The Gordon Rioters stopped for refreshment at this tavern on their way to destroy Lord Mansfield's country house after burning his town house, and the landlord was adroit enough to keep them occupied until he had time to send for the military. It was here that Mrs. Bardell was enjoying herself when she was arrested (see 'Pickwick Papers'). DickTurpin's (alleged) pistols and other relics are exhibited here. Beyond The Spaniards the road (now called Hampstead Lane) descends and bends to the east. On the left are the Hampstead Golf Count and Bishop's Wood, on the right the grounds of Ken or Caen Wood, the major portion being now the public Kenwood Park. This place was taken in 1755 by William Murray (afterwards Earl of Mansfield), who had the house practically rebuilt by the Adam brothers, the south front being still pretty much as they left it. The grounds contain many fine trees, including an avenue of gigantic limes said to have been a favourite resort of Pope. Farther on Hampstead Lane passes The Grove and ascends into Highgate (circa 1+ mile from The Spaniards to Highgate High St.).