Victoria St., passing the north end of Vauxhall Bridge Road and the Victoria Station of the District Railway, ends on the west at Buckingham Palace Road. Close by extends the huge Victoria Station , the West End terminus of the Southern Railway. Farther to the west lies the district of Belgravia. BUCKINGHAM PALACE ROAD, which begins at Buckingham Gate on the north, is continued towards Chelsea by Pimlico Road and Commercial Road. At No. 25 are the Headquarters of the Boy Scouts (Chief Scout, Sir R. Baden-Powell), of whom there are now circa 2,000,000; at Nos. 72-78 is the National Training School of Cookery, open to visitors on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday, 10-1 & 2-4; and at No. 90 is the Royal Sanitary Institute, with the Parkes Museum of Hygiene (open free daily 9.30-5.30; on Monday till 7 p.m.). On the other side of the railway, at No. 1 Hugh St., is the interesting Animals' Hospital of Our Dumb Friends' League (open daily 3-5, except Sunday). VAUXHALL BRIDGE ROAD runs south to Vauxhall Bridge, passing Hopkinson House (No. 88), a successful attempt to solve the problem of board and lodging for working women of a superior class.