The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID
Chapter: Environmental impact questions

Urbanization EIA questions

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Urbanisation Location. Where will planned urbanisation do the least harm and the most good? Can it be designed in conjunction with other land uses? Size. Will the eventual settlement size be small, medium or large? New settlements. What is the best location for new settlements from a community point of view? Should a local referendum be held to chose sites for planned urbanisation? Community involvement. How will the future community be represented in the planning and design process? Topography. How will the urbanisation relate to the existing topography? Regional identity. How will the settlement respond to the character of the local climate, local design tradition and local materials? Public open space. Which land is best suited for designation as public open space? Earthmoving. Is there an earthmoving plan for the urbanisation process? Water. How will the pattern of surface water drainage be affected? Will new water bodies be created? Trees. Will the urbanisation have an advance planting programme? Circulation. What will be done to contribute to a sustainable transport network? Finance. If the urbanisation benefits from public infrastructure investment, how will the public gain a return from this investment?