The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID
Chapter: Environmental impact questions

Rivers and floods EIA questions

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Rivers and floods Drainage. Will the volume and rate of surface water runoff from the site be increased or decreased? Flooding. What parts of the site will be allowed to flood, and with what frequency? Detention. Will any special measures be taken to detain surface water within the site boundary? Infiltration. Will surface water infiltration be increased or decreased? What special techniques will be employed? Roof vegetation. Will roofs be vegetated? If not, why not? Pavements. Will porous paving be used? If so, will there be an adverse impact on water quality? Riverworks. What is the intended use and character of the reach where the works will take place? Recreation. What provision will be made for outdoor swimming and other recreational activities? Coastal works. What is the intended use and character of the coastal area where the works will take place? Is the project design single-purpose or multi-purpose? Are the works designed in the context of a coastal landscape plan?