The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID
Chapter: Chapter 5 Reservoir planning and design

Reservoir design potential

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The huge potential of reservoirs should be subject to regular review. Many people prefer to live, and enjoy their leisure, beside water. An EID approach to reservoir land could provide many opportunities. Rivers and sea coasts accommodate visitors during holiday periods, but reservoirs are likely to be near urban concentrations, and their potential for uses in addition to water supply should be fully developed. Since only a few of these uses can be anticipated when the reservoir is planned, it is necessary to carry out periodic landscape studies of existing reservoirs. They are a huge manï¾­made resource. The greatest development opportunity in East London is shut away behind the 3m concrete fences of the Lea Valley Regional Park. Investors might like to buy the water company's stock with a view to stripping out their underused assets.