The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID
Chapter: Chapter 5 Reservoir planning and design

Bough Beech and Bewl Bridge

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Bough Beech and Bewl Bridge in Kent are 1970s examples of a similar design philosophy. Sylvia Crowe was the landscape consultant for both schemes. At Bough Beech she proposed the following measures to minimise the impact of the mud bank which is visible at times of low water: the siting of borrow pits to bring deep water near to the bank, tree planting on promontories to cut off views of exposed mud; the colonisation of semiï¾­submerged areas with Salix caprea, Agrostis stolonifera and other floodï¾­tolerant species (Crowe, undated). At Bewl Bridge, also in Kent and one of the most beautiful modern reservoirs, Sylvia Crowe's aim was 'to mend the organic structure of the countryside where it has been disrupted by the coming of the reservoir, and to accept the water as a natural feature rather than a recent and unnatural intrusion' (Crowe 1971). This was achieved by tree planting, by hiding car parks behind curving banks, by designing buildings in local styles, by planting floodï¾­tolerant species on the water margin, and by using agricultural fencing instead of the urban fencing which typified preï¾­1960 reservoirs.