The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID
Chapter: Chapter 3 Context sensitive design theory

Environmental regulation

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How should the public intervene in design decisions?

There are three main approaches to the environmental regulation of development in a liberal democracy:

  • -by means of zoning and land use plans. This approach works from the general to the particular.
  • -by means of environmental impact assessment and control. This approach works from the particular to the general.
  • -by a combination of zoning with environmental assessment. This is the best approach.

In many countries, zoning and EA have different legislative origins and r ema in separate. Zoning and land use planning derive from a positive wish to show where and how future development should take place. EA comes from a negative fear that development is likely to destroy environmental quality. Zoning looks to the future; EA looks to the past. Ahern describes them as 'offensive' and 'defensive' strategies (Ahern, 1995) Both are necessary.