The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design: from EIA to EID
Chapter: Chapter 10 Sustainable green transport


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Off-road driving: SUV, 4x4 & quad bikes 

Off-road driving is enjoyable but can be damaging. People enjoy adventure and like taking their vehicles off roads [Fig 10.14]. For the liberal environmentalist, this taste poses problems. Uncontrolled vehicular use will result in soil erosion and habitat destruction. Normally, it is best to keep vehicles away from wilderness. But the world may have a few landscapes where off-road driving does not cause harm: deserts. In arid deserts, ice-deserts and other ecological deserts (eg industrial farmland) with low-intensity use by animals and man it is possible to designate zones for off-road driving. In areas of higher use, 'off-road' vehicles can be allowed to travel on the leisure-equivalents of farm tracks and forest-tracks.