The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Gardening in Japan, 1912
Chapter: Chapter 3. Garden Lanterns

Wooden lanterns on posts

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Before leaving the subject of Standard Lanterns, mention may be made of certain lamp-posts which belong more to this class than to any other. They are employed on garden roads or in passage-gardens, chiefly adjacent to the summer-houses and resting-sheds of Tea Rooms, and consist of square or wedge-shaped wooden lanterns covered with roofs of board or thatch and carried on high posts. They are quite rustic in character and are named as follows:� "Who-goes-there ? Shape." (Tasoya-gata),�is square in plan, wider at the top than below, and covered by a gable roof of boards. Its sides are filled in with paper doors and it is supported on brackets attached to a slender square post. It derives this peculiar name from its faint light by which the outline of forms can vaguely be distinguished. "The Thatched Hut Shape," (Tomaya-gata),�the head of which resembles a small thatched cottage, and is carried on brackets attached to a high post.