Garden Lanterns may be broadly divided into two classes, namely,�the Standard class, and the Legged class; besides which there are other fancy shapes occasionally employed. The original model for Standard Lanterns dates back from the Ashikaga period, and goes by the name of the "Kasuga Shape," after a Shinto deity to whom one of the ancient temples at Nara is dedicated. The "Kasuga Shape" Lantern has a high cylindrical standard with a small annulet in the centre, erected on a base and plinth of hexagonal plan, and supporting an hexagonal head crowned with a stone roof of double curve, having corner scrolls. The top is surmounted with a ball drawn to a point above. The head of the Lantern, which is technically called the "Fire-box" (Hibukuro), is hollowed out, two of its faces having a square opening large enough to admit an oil lamp; and the remaining four sides being carved respectively with representations of a stag, a doe, the sun, and the moon. Enrichments are also applied to the mouldings of the base and fire-box.