The Garden Guide

Book: Landscape Gardening in Japan, 1912
Chapter: Chapter1. History

Kama Rikyu by Oyamada Yosei

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An old book, published in 1843 by Oyamada Yosei-O, a retainer of Prince Kwacho, gives the following account of the chief attractions of these grounds:�An elevated hillock called the "Mountain of Eight Views" afforded an extensive prospect of the sea and distant hills. Near its base was a small lagoon containing irises and other water-plants. "Ocean View Hill" was the name of another eminence overlooking the Bay planted with mountain grasses and pine trees. In the western quarter of the garden, and providing an uninterrupted prospect of Fujisan, was another hill called "Fuji-viewing Hill." Close to a rocky mound, covered with azalea bushes, was a beach arranged with artificial salt-making beds and kilns, designed in imitation of the primitive salt factories abounding on the Japanese coast. A few peasants' huts embowered in high grasses and wild flowers, and a picturesque cottage, called the "Sea-shore Tea-house,"�from which a sea view, including the cliffs of the opposite coast could be enjoyed,�imparted a charming rural character to this spot.