The Garden Guide

Book: Journey and Embassy to Samarkand
Chapter: Ii. Constantinople

St George Church

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On the same day the ambassadors went to see another church, called St. George; in which, after passing the first gate, there is a large court, in which there are many houses and fruit gardens, and the body of the church is in the midst of these gardens. Opposite the church door, outside, there is a large and beautiful font, over which there is a canopy supported by eight marble pillars, inlaid with many figures. The body of the church is very high, and is all covered with nosaic work, and the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ is here represented. The floor of this church is wonderfully made, for it is covered with flags of porphyry and jasper; and the walls are of the same material. In the centre of the roof is a figure of God the Father, in mosaic work; and over the door there is figured the true cross, which an angel showed to the apostles from the clouds of heaven, when the Holy Spirit descended upon them in a flame of fire. It is wonderfully made, in mosaic work. In this church there is a large tomb made of jasper, and covered with a silken cloth, where an empress lies buried.