The Garden Guide

Book: Journey and Embassy to Samarkand
Chapter: Ii. Constantinople

Arrival of Clavijo

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ON Sunday, the 28th of October, the Emperor of Constantinople sent for the ambassadors, and they went from Pera to Constantinople in a boat, and found a crowd of people waiting for them, and horses to convey them to the palace. The emperor had just returned from hearing mass, and he received them very well, in a chamber apart, which was lofty and covered with carpets, on one of which there was the skin of a leopard, and in the back part pillows were placed, embroidered with gold. Having conversed with the ambassadors for some time, the emperor ordered them to return to their lodgings, and he sent them a large stag, which had been brought in by some of his huntsmen. The emperor had with him, the empress his wife and three small children, the eldest being about eight years old. On the following Monday he sent some courtiers to the ambassadors, to answer what they had said to him. On Tuesday, the 30th of October, the ambassadors sent to the emperor to say that, as they were desirous of seeing the city, and the churches and relics which it contained, they hoped that he would graciously order them to be shown; and the emperor directed his son-in-law, a Genoese named Ilario, who was married to one of his illegitimate daughters, to accompany them, and show them what they wanted.