6. Gardening in the Birman Empire (Burma- Myanmar), Java, Malacca, Siam, Cochin-China (South Vietnam), Singapore, and Japan
774. Of the gardening of the Birman Empire little is known in Europe. Its botany has been explored by Dr. Wallich, who has discovered there several remarkable new genera of plants. Among the latter may be mentioned one which has been called Amherstia, in compliment to Lady Amherst. The Amherstia nobilis is probably the most beautiful and noble plant of the Indian Flora. There are only two trees of it known to exist, and these are in the gardens of a monastery on the banks of the Salwen. The hills near Ava are rugged, overrun with the hardy briar or wild Indian plum, and varieties of Euphorbia. There was also an Opuntia, exactly the same as the American one, sent to India from the Royal gardens at Kew. (Cox's Journal of a Residence in the Birman Empire, p. 408.)