847. Monte Video, the residence of Daniel Wordsworth, Esq., says Mr. Stuart, 'stands in a very fine situation, not less than 600 feet above the Connecticut River, and its beautiful meadow scenery. The approach to the house is about three miles in length, and is carried over a succession of small hills finely wooded. There is a handsome piece of water near the house, and a hill behind it; from a tower on the top of which there is a magnificent view, bounded by the hills of Massachusetts, of as rich and fertile a country as there is in the world, watered by a great river, the Connecticut, the windings of which are all in sight. Advantage has certainly been taken of the natural beauties of the place in laying it out-the road, the piece of water, and the grounds ; but nothing about the place is kept in the handsome style of an English country residence.' (Three Years, &c., vol. i. p. 363.) This place, in 1840, was still ' one of the prettiest residences in Connec ticut.' (Downing's Landscape Gardening.)