The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

French gardening authors

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295. The French authors on gardening are very numerous: La Quintinye, Schabol, Du Hamel; and afterwards, Thouin,,Bosc, Butret, and Du Petit Thouars. But Quintinye is their most original and meritorious writer on horticulture, Du Hamel on forest planting, Lelieur on fruit trees, and Girardin and D'Argenville on landscape-gardening. Their works on florists' flowers, such as D'Ardene, Traite des Tulipes, &c., are chiefly translations from the Dutch. The best general work is Le Bon Jardinier, a new edition of which is published annually with all the modern improvements.