The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

English landscape gardening in Germany

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304. The first example of an English garden in Germany, according to Reichard (Reise durch Deutschland, &c.), was the Garten der Schwobber, in Westphalia, in the neighbourhood of Pyrmont. It was laid out about the year 1750, with winding walks and clumps, and a rich collection of rare trees and plants. Hinuber's English garden, at Hanover, and that of Marienwerder in its neighbourhood, were begun about the same time; and soon after was commenced the splendid example exhibited by Field-marshal Lacy, at Dornbach, near Vienna, which, it is said, originated in the family connections of that warrior with England. It was finished in part by an English gardener, in 1770, at an expense of half a million of florins. Its picturesque views and distant prospects are much and deservedly admired; but, on the whole, as an English garden, it owes much more to nature than to art. After this, the new taste, as Hirschfeld remarks, became general in the empire.