The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

Dutch Tree Planting

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4. Dutch Gardening, in respect to the planting of Timber Trees and Hedges 193.Planting is not very general in Holland. In a country so thickly peopled, and so conveniently situated in respect to marine commerce, it is not likely that much ground would be devoted to merely useful plantations. In the more inland parts of Flanders, there are natural forests and extensive copses; these have been, and continue to be, kept up, and have been in some cases increased in extent by planting land too poor for cultivation. In Radcliff's Report on the Agriculture of Eastern Holstein, Flanders, &c., p. 8., 1819, some account will be found of their management. We observed, in 1819, some belts and clumps near Cambray, and that the Duke of Wellington was planting on his estate at Waterloo. Between Aranagoen and Rhenen, a tract of land several miles in extent, and no better in quality than Bagshot-heath, was planted with Scotch pines, Weymouth pines, beech, and birch; and many hundred acres adjoining had been sown with acorns for copse, and enclosed with thorn hedges.