The Garden Guide

Book: History of Garden Design and Gardening
Chapter: Chapter 3: European Gardens (500AD-1850)

Dashkoff Dashkov Garden

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461. The villa of the Princess Dashkoff, about three or four versts from Moscow, was visited in 1829 by Captain Alexander, who describes the princess as living in the midst of beautiful gardens which she has planted and laid out with wonderful taste. Originally, the ground was flat and swampy; but she drained it, gave it an undulating surface, and in different situations raised mounds crowned with temples, from which are rich views of Moscow, with its glittering domes, and of the surrounding country. The skill the princess has displayed in the arrangement of the trees, so as to set off the different shades of foliage, and to produce the most agreeable contrasts, is quite unique, and shows excellent management. A piece of water winds through the gardens, by the side of which are shady walks and seats. (Travels in Russia. &c.)