428. Cemeteries. The burial-ground at Copenhagen is about a mile distant from the city. Like the cemeteries in Mussulman countries, it stands by the roadside. The cemetery of the Danish capital is a miniature of Pere la Chaise. The graves are all decked with flowers. Some of the epitaphs and devices are very fanciful. One motto consists of the sentence, 'Not lost, but gone before:' another, 'I shall see you again:' a third, in Danish verse, may be thus translated: 'Rest, O sweetly rest, dear, in the garden of the dead, amid groves, and flowers, and tears; till little angels, bearing the 'forget me not,' shall summon me to join thee in eternity.' One grave contains the remains of a mother, whose husband and children are represented in marble, as doves brooding over the dust of her they loved. The ages of the little ones are represented by the size of the nestlings, and the widowed mate covers with his wings the last half-fledged pledge of conjugal love [!]. The scenery around is beautiful; but the cypress and myrtle are wanting. The Jews have here, as always, a separate burying-ground. Their corpses are interred in a standing position, with the face turned towards Jerusalem. (Elliott's Letters from the North of Europe, p. 62.)