405. In the duchy of Baden there are nurseries and market-gardens at Carlsruhe, Rastadt, Baden, and other towns. There is a government nursery at Carlsruhe, which is most systematically laid out; and round the borders are specimens of all the fruit and forest trees and shrubs, in alphabetical order, and named. The soil, however, from having been so long cropped with trees, has ceased to produce them in vigour; and the plants raised, if not removed to their final destination at an early age, speedily become covered with moss. It is the practice in this nursery to keep the surface of the ground covered during the whole summer with dry loose leaves collected from the woods; which are found not only to retain the moisture, but to prevent the cockchafer from depositing its eggs in the soil. The vegetable market at Calrsruhe is exceedingly well supplied with vegetables; and, indeed, with the exception of forced articles, the variety is nearly as great as in London or in Paris. The quality, however, of the cabbage tribe, of the turnips, and of the fruits, appears very inferior to what it is in the market of Covent Garden. Near Hamburgh is one of the finest nurseries in Germany, viz. that of the brothers Booth, at Flotbeck. Hardy fruit and forest trees are here propagated to a peat extent, and there is an excellent collection of the more popular house plants. From the convenient intercourse of this nursery, with those of Britain, it forms the principal medium of introducing whatever is new and valuable from the latter country into Germany and Denmark.