The Garden Guide

Book: Gardens of Japan, 1928,
Chapter: Garden Parts And Accessories

Shrub species for hedges

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Proper species should be selected for hedges. For the purpose of protecting the property against fire, the great catastrophe of 1923 furnished many tests for Tokyo and its vicinity. It verified the old tradition largely�for example, oak, gingko, pasania cuspidata, sciadopitys verticillata, taonabo japonica, aucuba japonica fought very bravely against the fire, and in many instances with marvellous success. Conspicuous especially was the hardiness of gingko trees, which were quite numerous throughout the city of Tokyo. Though badly scorched and burnt to the stump, out of blackness in many instances there came forth beautiful young shoots in the following summer, inspiring the down-hearted, encouraging the despondent with hopes of a new life and of reconstruction.