The Garden Guide

Book: Gardens of Japan, 1928,
Chapter: Garden history

Hideyoshi castle at Fushimi, Kyoto

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Famous was the garden of Hideyoshi's castle at Fushimi, though no trace of it now remains. Splendid still is the garden of Sambo-in of Daigo which was first designed by Hideyoshi (1536-1598) a few months before his death, and was perfected by Yoshiro and Ken-niwa under the direction of Giyen Jungo, abbot of the temple. Among other famous gardens of the period may be mentioned the present garden of Nishi Hongwanji in Kyoto which was originally made by Asagiri Shimanosuke in the compound of Fushimi castle. With Asagiri, such others as Oda Yuraku, Hosokawa Sansai and Furuta Oribe were also very famous as garden designers. But the greatest genius of the time was Sen-no-Rikyu, the great cha-no-yu master, who was responsible for the garden of Chijaku-in of Kyoto and that of Jissoin of Sakai, as well as a number of others. [Fushimi Castle (???, Fushimi-jo?), also known as Momoyama Castle (??? Momoyama-jo) or Fushimi-Momoyama Castle, is a castle in Kyoto's Fushimi Ward. The current structure is a 1964 replica of the original built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Wikipedia, 2007]