The Garden Guide

Book: Gardens of Japan, 1928,
Chapter: Different Styles Of Japanese Gardens

Tsukiyama-sansui hill and water gardens

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All important books on our gardens published since the fifteenth century contain such a drawing as here illustrated, showing the fundamental principle guiding the lay-out of a hill garden. "Tsukiyama Sansui Den" (On Hill Gardens), by So-ami [Soami] also contains a similar drawing, though modified in detail. According to that book, the "guardian rock" should occupy the important place in rear centre, and then hills made, rocks placed, and trees planted all in right proportion to and in harmony with it. According to the writer the waterfall is placed apart from the "guardian rock," but the two have been brought together later as may be seen in our illustrations of different types of gardens taken from "Tsukiyama Teizo Den," a well-known book on gardens published in the Bunsei era (1818-1830), and highly treasured by gardeners to this day.