The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening Tools, Equipment and Buildings
Chapter: Chapter 7: Edifices (for Storage, Bees, Ice, Shelters etc)

Garden tool-house

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2196. The tool-house is commonly a small apartment in the back sheds of hothouses, in which the tools are laid down or piled up in the angles promiscuously; but in a proper tool-room, wherever situated, there should be contrivances of different sorts, for hanging up the tools, so that their important parts, such as the teeth of rakes, blades of hoes and spades, &c., may always be so exposed that the master may see whether or no they are properly cleaned. There are certain tools, of which each workman appropriates one to himself, as spades, scythes, &c.; in these cases a small space should be allotted to each hired man, with his name affixed, &c. Watering-pots, syringes, engines, &c., should have their movable parts separated, and be reversed, in order that they may drain and continue dry. Lists, nails, and mat-ties, should be kept in close drawers; pruning instruments oiled, and laid horizontally on latticed shelves or pins. A grindstone and other stones, and hones, with a vice and flies for sharpening the tines and teeth of forks and rakes, are the appropriate furniture of the tool-house.