The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening Tools, Equipment and Buildings
Chapter: Chapter 7: Edifices (for Storage, Bees, Ice, Shelters etc)

Garden seed room

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2191. The seed-room may be connected with the office by a door in the lobby. This should be a small room, well ventilated, with a cabinet of drawers, as in a common seed-shop, but on a smaller scale and somewhat different system. The lower tier of drawers should, of course, be the largest, and may be 1 ft. deep by 2 ft. wide on the face, and 18 in. broad within. This tier will serve for beans, peas, acorns, mast, &c. A second may be three fourths the size, for carrot, turnip, spinach, larch-seed, &c. A third, half the size, for salad-seeds; and the fourth, for those of pot and sweet herbs, need not be more than 4 in. deep on the face. The upper part of the cabinet may consist of shallow drawers, divided into ten or twelve compartments each, for flower-seeds; and on the top of all, as being least in requisition, similar shallow drawers, with movable partitions, for bulbous roots. As the kind or kinds placed in each drawer will probably vary every year, it seems better that their names should only be written on paper and pasted on. There ought to be a small counter, with a weighing machine (that of Medhurst is preferable), an inkstand placed on it, and drawers, with paper bags, packthreads, &c., below. Some seeds, which it is desirable to keep in the fruit, as capsicum, pompion, &c., may be suspended from rows of hooks fixed in the ceiling.