The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening Tools, Equipment and Buildings
Chapter: Chapter 7: Edifices (for Storage, Bees, Ice, Shelters etc)

Enclosure of garden sheds

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2200. The part of these sheds more particularly set apart for working ought to be enclosed with a wall on all sides, and warmed by a fire-place or flue. It ought to be made perfectly light, and well aired by having numerous windows, and along these a range of benches or tables, for potting cuttings or bulbs, sowing seeds, preparing cuttings, number-tallies, painting and naming them, preparing props for plants, hooks for layers, lists for wall-trees, making baskets, wattled hurdles, and a great variety of other operations performed in winter, or severe weather, when little or nothing can be done in the open air. It may by some be thought too great a refinement to warm such sheds; but if work is really expected to be done in them during cold weather, the saving will soon be rendered obvious.