The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening Tools, Equipment and Buildings
Chapter: Chapter 7: Edifices (for Storage, Bees, Ice, Shelters etc)

Apiary bee house

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2222. The apiary or bee-house. The simplest form of a bee-house consists of a few shelves in a recess of a wall or other building (fig. 669.) exposed to the south, and with or without shutters, to exclude the sun in summer, and, in part, the frost in winter., Nutt's hives are generally considered the best. Bee-houses may always be rendered agreeable, and often ornamental objects: they are particularly suitable for flower-gardens; and one may occur in a recess in a wood or copse, accompanied by a picturesque cottage and flower-garden. They enliven a kitchen-garden, and communicate particular impressions of industry and usefulness. So many works of easy access have been published on the subject of bees, that we do not think it necessary to enter into details. The reader may consult Bagster On Bees; Wighton's History and Management of Bees; and other works on this subject.