The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening Tools, Equipment and Buildings
Chapter: Chapter 6: Structures used in Gardening

Temporary garden screens

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2025. Temporary walls and screens may be formed of reeds, rushes, or straw. What is called a reed wall (fig. 583. and 584.) may be described as 10 ft. high, and consisting of a double trellis (a b), composed of horizontal laths about 8 in. apart, and a coping board (c) 9 in. broad; the reeds are placed endwise within the trellis (d), and supported about a foot from the ground, to keep them from rotting; this interval of a foot being filled up with slates, placed on edge (e). The trellis rods are nailed to posts (fig. 584,), and, by taking off a few of these rods on one side, the reed mats can be removed and renewed. Russian mats would, no doubt, answer very well, and last a long time, and they might be taken out with still less trouble. Straw mats would also do, where reeds could not be got; and heath, as being of a dark colour and very durable, would make the best of all structures of this kind. Peaches, grapes, and other fruits, ripen just as well on these structures as on brick walls.