The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening Tools, Equipment and Buildings
Chapter: Chapter 5: Machines and Machinery

Canvas screens

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1945. The canvas screen is a sheet of canvas in a movable frame, to be placed against blossoming wall-trees during nights, and removed during temperate weather. Bunting, or buntine, a kind of thin woollen cloth used for making flags, &c., when rendered more transparent by oiling, is considered by Nicol as preferable to canvas. Others recommend Osnaburgh or Scotch gauze. The screens should have hooks, to slip into projecting eyes at the top of the wall; from which, as well as at the bottom, they should be kept distant one or two feet. 'Canvas screens, in frames, may be fitted to move, in the manner of a common sash, between rafters, and may be double, as in a window, to go either up or down, in order to admit air. The rafters being made movable by being fixed with hooks to stretchers at top and bottom, the whole could easily be removed or replaced at pleasure. Thus a frame may be made of ten, fifteen, twenty, or more feet in length, to answer for one or more trees, as may be required; and, if the whole be packed and laid up in a dry loft, garret, or shed, each season after using, it may last for many years.' (Nicol.)