The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening Tools, Equipment and Buildings
Chapter: Chapter 2: Cutting Tools

Pruning shears

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1749. The pruning-shears (fig. 381.) differ from the common sort, in having a movable centre (a) for the motion of one of the blades, by which means, instead of a crushing-cut, they make a draw-cut, leaving the section of the part attached to the tree as firm and smooth as if cut off with a knife. They are used in the same way as the common shears, and are very convenient in reducing the size of shrubs or bushes, and in clipping hedges of roses or other select plants. There are three very excellent instruments of this description (figs. 384. to 386.), all manufactured by Steers and Wilkinson of Sheffield. They are particularly adapted for lady gardeners, and will be found described at length in the Gardener's Magazine, vol. vi. p. 312. Fig. 387. may be used for pruning small branches, and also for gathering grapes and other fruits.