The Garden Guide

Book: Gardening Science - Soils, Manure and the Environment
Chapter: Chapter 4: Weather and Climate

Continental climates

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1372. Continents have a colder atmosphere than islands situated in the same degree of latitude; and countries lying to the windward of the superior classes of mountains, or forests, are warmer than those which are to the leeward. Earth, always possessing a certain degree of moisture, has a greater capacity to receive and retain heat than sand or stones; the latter, therefore, are heated and cooled with more rapidity: it is from this circumstance that the intense heats of Africa and Arabia, and the cold of Terra del Fuego, are derived. The temperature of growing vegetables changes very gradually; but there is a considerable evaporation from them: if they exist in great numbers, and congregated, or in forests, their foliage preventing the rays of the sun from reaching the earth, it is perfectly natural that the immediate atmosphere must be greatly affected by the ascent of chilled vapours.